What is Rule Making?

The WMC participates in rule making processes in order to protect the public health. Want to know about the nuts and bolts of rule making: learn more.

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Policies & Rules

I am looking for:

Rules, Policies, Guidelines & Interpretative Statements

Ethics and Professionalism   Licensing   Medical Records
Discrimination in Healthcare   Elective Educational Rotations   Completion of Death Certificates by Licensees
Medical Professionalism

Practitioner Health

Ownership of Clinics by Physician Assistants Medical Records: Documentation, Access, Retention, Storage, Disposal, and Closing a Practice
Practitioners Exhibiting Disruptive Behavior

Retired Active License: WAC 246-919-480
Social Media and Electronic Communications Clinical Experience Assessment 
Sexual Misconduct Guideline
Sexual Misconduct and Abuse: WAC 246-919-630


Clinical Practice   Prescribing   WMC Administration
Communicating Diagnostic Test Results and Time Critical Information to Patients and Practitioners   Medical Marijuana Authorization Guidelines   A Collaborative Approach to Reducing Medical Error and Enhancing Patient Safety
Approved Office-Based Procedures Entities
Electromyography (EMG) Rescinded 11/15/2019 Approved Pain Management Specialist Entities
Establishing the Use of Nitrous Oxide in Office-Based Settings
Informed Consent Opioid Prescribing & Monitoring for Allopathic
Physicians and Physician Assistants
Complainant Opportunity to be Heard Through an Impact Statement
Complainant Request for Reconsideration - Closed Cases 
Laser, Light, Radiofrequency, Plasma Device: WAC 246-919-605 Compensation and Reimbursment for Commission Duties
Medical Directors: Roles, Duties and Responsibilities Opioid Prescribing & Monitoring for Patients Delegation of Decision-Making Authority to Health Law Judges
Nonsurgical Cosmetic Procedures: WAC 246-919-606 Pain Management: WAC 246-919-850 Newsletter Review
Office Based Surgery: WAC 246-919-601 Self-Treatment or Treatment of Immediate Family Members Personal Appearance
Overlapping and Simultaneous Elective Surgeries

Policy Development

Physician Assistants Ordering Restraint and Seclusion Treating Partners of Patients with STDs  Processing Complaints Against Licensees Enrolled in the WPHP

Terminating the Practitioner-Patient Relationship
  Processing Complaints Against Medical Students, Resident, and Fellows
Pro Tem Appointments
Reentry to Practice
Reentry to Practice for Practitioners With Suspended Licensees
Sexual Misconduct Analysis Review Team
Stipulation to Informal Disposition
Whistleblower Protection
WMC Recusal Procedure for Managing Conflicts of Interest

    Laws Relating to Medical Practice

    Revised Code of Washington (RCW)

    A statute or Revised Code of Washington (RCW) is written by the Washington State Legislature. Once legislation is signed by the Governor, it becomes law.

    The site for RCWs is a searchable database on the Internet. You can also access the State Government website at http://app.leg.wa.gov/rcw/

    Other relevant RCWs are:

    RCW 18.71 Physicians
    RCW 18.71A

    Physician Assistants

    RCW 18.71B Interstate Medical Licensure Compact
    RCW 18.130 Regulation of Health Professions—Uniform Disciplinary Act
    RCW 26.44.030 Abuse of Children and Adult Dependent Persons
    RCW 34.05 Administrative Procedures Act
    RCW 42.56 Public Records Act
    RCW 70.02 Medical Records-Health Care Information Access and Disclosure
    RCW 74.34  Abuse of Vulnerable Adults

    Washington Administrative Code (WAC)

    A rule or Washington Administrative Code (WAC) is written to provide interpretive support for the individuals or entities to whom the rule applies. Department of Health rules are written and adopted by a Board or Commission or the Secretary of the Department of Health. Rules or WACs carry the full force of the law.

    WACs are available on the State Government website at http://app.leg.wa.gov/wac/

    The WACs that relate to:

    WAC 246-12 Administrative Procedures and Requirements for Credentialed Health Care Providers
    WAC 246-15  Whistleblower Complaints in Health Care Settings
    WAC 246-919  Physicians
    WAC 246-918  Physician Assistants


    Interpretive Statement

    Interpretive statement means a written expression of the opinion of an agency as to the meaning of a statute or other provision of law, of a court decision, or of an agency order.

    Policy Statement

    Policy statement means a written description of the current approach of an agency to implementation of a statute or other provision of law, of a court decision, or of an agency order, including where appropriate the agency's current practice, procedure, or method of action based upon that approach.


    A set of recommended practices designed by the Medical Commission to assist practitioners about appropriate health care for specific circumstances. A guideline does not have the force of law, but may be considered by the Medical Commission to be the standard of care in our state.


    Establishes the proper steps to take to conduct Commission Business