Yakima County MD Surrenders License
Dr. K. Scott Reinmuth (MD00038321) was a patient’s primary care provider from 2013-2019. During that time period, Dr. Reinmuth prescribed high doses of opioids to that patient in combination with a benzodiazepine. He did not adequately document the efficacy of this treatment or implement sufficient safeguards to prevent abuse and diversion. The Commission issued a Statement of Allegations and Stipulation to Informal Disposition alleging that Dr. Reinmuth had not met the standard of care with regard to that patient.
Because Dr. Reinmuth had retired from practice, he opted to voluntarily surrender his license. He is not eligible to renew or reactivate his license and he cannot practice as a retired active physician.
Legal documents in this case are available online by visiting the Washington Department of Health Provider Credential Search website.
The WMC promotes patient safety and enhances the integrity of the medical profession through licensing, rule-making, discipline, and education. Learn more about the commission at WMC.wa.gov. Follow the WMC on Facebook and Twitter.
**This notice is intended to comply with RCW 18.130.110.