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Benton County Physician Enters Agreed Order

OLYMPIA, WA – The Washington Medical Commission (WMC) has entered an Agreed Order with Wei-Hsung Lin, MD (Lic. #60207016) related to Dr. Lin's failure to meet the standard of care in his treatment of five patients.

The Agreed Order found Dr. Lin prescribed ivermectin to five patients related to treatment of COVID-19 infection or symptoms characterized as similar to long-term effects of COVID-19.

This Agreed Order restricts Dr. Lin from prescribing ivermectin for non-FDA-approved indications and from prescribing medication or providing care to patients without first establishing a physician-patient relationship.

Dr. Lin is also required to complete continuing medical education on COVID-19 and on the physician-patient relationship, prepare written papers summarizing his learning, undergo compliance audits, make personal appearances before the WMC, and pay a fine.


**This notice is intended to comply with RCW 18.130.110.

The Washington Medical Commission promotes patient safety and enhances the integrity of the medical profession through licensing, rule-making, discipline, and education. Learn more about the commission at Follow the WMC on Facebook and Twitter.